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Texts and Ideas

On this page, I present my views on various issues, not only on gang stalking and targeted individuals, even if these topics can also be adressed.

I do it because I am targeted for my political and artistic views. Therefore, my Web site is a place where I can express these views whitout having them distorted by those who are watching me. For those who are visiting my Web site, it also gives them an outlook about what type of individual I am.

I intend on writing on many various topics. It will be done in the form of texts, simple thoughts, or an enumeration of my ideas. These ideas correspond to what I really think without being constrained by the limits of the dominant ideological system.

All the ideas that I express sommarily can be developped eventually, as this page will develop with time.

Links to the various sections of this page :

Art :

  -Artworks that I like

  -Popular music


Anglo-American Establishment


In the field of arts, I am someone who as a strong preference for ancient occidental art. I have a way of thinking that is close to the ancient academic culture and the hierarchy of genres. I will develop further on this, because I also think that artists have the right to have a certain amount of freedom, which is something that I will explain. I will also probably write a little bit about popular music.

For now, here are some artworks that I like. I will still be adding some images.

The School of Athens,
Vatican, Stanza della Segnatura, Rome,
Image by Mark Harden

Poussin, Nicolas,
The Arcadian Shepherds (Et in Arcadia ego),
Oil on canvas,
87 x 120 cm,
Louvre Museum, Paris,
Image by www.humanitiesweb.org

David, Jacques-Louis,
The Death of Socrates,
Oil on canvas,
129,5 x 196,2 cm,
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York,
Image by Mark Harden

David, Jacques-Louis,
Cupid and Psyche,
Oil on canvas,
184 x 242 cm,
Museum of Art, Cleveland,
Image by www.humanitiesweb.org

Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique,
The Source,
Oil on canvas,
163 x 80 cm,
Orsay Museum, Paris,
Image by www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/auth/ingres/

Bouguereau, William,
The Birth of Venus,
Oil on canvas,
300 x 215 cm,
Orsay Museum, Paris,
Image by http://www.humanitiesweb.org

Bouguereau, William,
Compassion !,
Oil on canvas,
261 x 120 cm,
Orsay Museum, Paris,
Image by http://www.humanitiesweb.org



In this section, I will write about the exhibition of the artist as an anti in the artistic field.

A few weeks ago, during the night of October 7 to October 8 2015, pop singer Robyn Rihanna Fenty presented what is supposed to be the cover art for her forthcoming album called ANTI. I have the intention of following the release of her record and describe and analyse what she is doing. Here is a link to the article about the presentation of the cover art :


For now, here is a quote in French about the artist as an anti, followed by its translation :

"Volontaire ou non, l'exhibition de l'artiste comme anti, hors, ou au-delà des règles du marché de la consommation est avérée. Tactique réussi, puisque s'il n'est plus tout à fait l'étudiant pauvre dans sa mansarde qui avec ses amis fréquente les guinguettes et ruine sa santé et sa famille, image héritée du XIXe siècle romantique, l'image que le public se fait de l'artiste n'est pas très éloignée de cette bluette. En fait, il refuse l'idée d'un quelconque enrichissement de l'artiste, s'attachant à l'art désintéressé, à la création "libre", due à la souffrance, quitte à s'aveugler sur ses profits très réels, et accusant plutôt les intermédiaires d'exploiter le producteur, l'artiste. Van Gogh, le maudit, l'exilé de la société, fixe le paradigme, remportant tous les suffrages."

Cauquelin, Anne, L'art contemporain, coll. "Que sais-je", PUF, c1992, p. 33.

Translation :

Willingly or not, the exhibition of the artist as anti, outside or beyond the consumer market rules, is real. It constitutes a successful tactic, since the artist is no longer the poor student in his attic room who ruined his health and family by frequenting taverns with his friends, a vision of the artist inherited from the romanticism of the nineteenth century. The image of the artist that is conveyed by the public is not very far from this narrative. In fact, the public denies the idea of any enrichment of the artist, prefering and attaching themselves to selfless art and "free" creativity due to his suffering. They remain blind of his very real profits, instead accusing the intermediaries of exploiting the producer, the artist. Van Gogh, the cursed, the exiled of society, sets the paradigm, gaining all the votes.

So, Rihanna would be using an image of the artist inherited from the 19th century in which the general public believes in : the image of the artist working against the establishment, the "anti", creating selfless art and living in poverty. Of course, it is not what she is, because she is in fact working for the "elites". She is trying to impersonate the artist working on the sidelines of the major commercial networks and being a victim of the exploiters even though she is visibly not living in misery reagardless of her actual income. Furthermore, she is doing this by using contemporary art. I personnally also consider this being feminist propaganda because they have a woman who is publicized at a very large scale by the controlled medias playing the courageous artist confronting the establishment.

This is an example of tactics that are being used against the civilian population. I personally think that the "elites" target males by all kinds of means. Women are also targeted, but in a different way.

(This section has been added on the Web site on November 6, 2015, with an addition on November 27 2015)


Anglo-American Establishment

I open this section to talk about the Anglo-American imperialism and the implementation of what we call the New World Order. I open it even if it is not completed because each and everytime I research on a topic, even if it is already known, they start the mimicking and parroting.

For now I have two documents I can put online :

An article from the New York Times, dated from 1902 :

Mr. Rhodes's Ideal of Anglo-Saxon Greatness   Consult (pdf)

A book about the Anglo-American Establishment written by Carroll Quigley :

No matter what are this guy's views, and why he wrote the book, it gives good informations.

Quigley, Carroll, The Anglo-American Establishment, 1st ed., 1981, 354 p.

You can download this book along with other interesting books by following this link :   www.carrollquigley.net

(This section has been added on the Web site on June 24, 2016)


This page as been updated for the last time on July 26, 2019
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